"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

- Maya Angelou


The Unleashed Blog  serves to operate as a written platform for  up and coming thought leaders, experts and heart-based influencers who wish to honor the free-flowing expressions of love, empowerment and personal transformation. We strive to feed our readers a steady diet of leadership, productivity, motivation and healing  as well as to provide an outlet for powerful thought exchange.  Our guest bloggers have the opportunity to have their voices heard by a wider audience and gain exposure for their work.


Purpose Launchers  is all about the discovery and honoring of life purpose and the pathways people may take toward building courage and success in the face of life’s greatest obstacles. We serve those who are seeking to cut through their inner and outer turmoil and fortify themselves within a system of higher achievement and awareness. As such, our guest bloggers and their blog posts must be in sync with this theme.  Our specifications for written submissions are as follows:

  • For the most part we want to keep our tone deeply profound and inspiring but a little lighter in intensity. All written work should be completely original and previously unpublished. Word count is 650-1500 words.
  • Work should be developed with the intention of helping the reader unleash his or her greatest potential for achievement and success. Personal accounts of how you stepped into your purpose/power and the lessons learned along the way are welcome.
  • All discussions must refrain from any communication that uses profanity or makes use of overtly religious, racial or political themes. Graphic depictions of human or animal suffering or language that promotes hatred of any group, creed, religion or race are strictly prohibited
  • Regardless of our own beliefs, we are an inclusive company and wish to protect an atmosphere that welcomes people from all traditions and walks of life. As such, the overall discussion of the compassionate nature of divine love are welcome but must remain relevant to the themes of purpose/entrepreneurship and must not make specific references or claims promoting any specific religion, nor should it make specific references toward divination tools, angel readings, reincarnation, astrological influences, occult or paranormal practices. Discussions on prayer, affirmation, natural health practices and meditation are welcome but specific scriptural quotes from religious texts are not permitted unless relevant to a specific moment of personal transformation within a personal narrative or otherwise discussed and approved.
  • Gender discussions should be treated with sensitivity and are appropriate if the piece is specifically intended toward female empowerment or gender equality.
  • If writing on transformational or productivity topics, writer should provide clear actionable steps or advice that helps the readers to gain insight on how to achieve similar results.
  • Conversational tone is preferred, and humor is welcome.
  • We respect your work and therefore wish to retain the integrity of your contribution. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, punctuation, structure, but any major edits will be discussed with you prior to making said changes.
  • Gender discussions should be treated with sensitivity and are appropriate if the piece is specifically intended toward female empowerment or gender equality.


·        We are excited to offer our guest bloggers a platform that allows them to share their voice and inspiring ideas with our audience. Although your special skill set with be center stage, we ask that all self promotion be reserved for your author bio. Author bio’s should include a high-quality head shot and be kept to approximately 60 words. You may provide links to your personal website, social media, Youtube channels, products and services.


·       We are advocates of your rise toward achievement and the avenues you use to build your personal brand. If you truly love a piece you have written for us and want to re-post it on your own website, you may do so providing that it has been altered with 20% new and different content and is posted under a different headline.  An “originally posted on” tag would also be appreciated along with a link to the original material which is hosted on our website. This method allows search engines to identify both articles as unique.


Please send all submissions to:

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