How to turn "Someday" into Today and Realize your Dreams

By: Cara Beth Wiley

I have always been a people watcher. Writing begins on the inside and is spurred by observations of the world around us. There is something about writers though. We take in the world with a bit of a heightened sensitivity. I can develop a character around brief observations, interactions, and partial conversations. If I had all the time in the world, I would just sit in a busy place with a notepad.

Some of my favorite places are crowded beaches because you get to watch how groups work together. Any form of public transportation brings out interesting colors in people. Restaurants are fun too.

People are stories just waiting to unfold, and need someone to capture them on paper.

My daughter had an English assignment last year. I can’t remember exactly what the exercise was, but she had to develop a character for a creative piece. I asked her a few questions about her story idea. Within a few seconds I dashed off a few ideas of where she could take the story.

Her eyes were huge and she said “Mom…why aren’t you writing more?” I didn’t have a good answer for that.

I remember back in college when I was initially in pursuit of an English Composition degree. It was a bit daunting with loads of books to read every night, and not as much of the type of writing that I enjoyed. I tried working for the school paper but reporting and journalism were so not my “thing”.

 That same year, I took Intro to Psychology like hundreds of other students. What I didn’t know, is how interesting this class would become. By the end of it, I was hooked. At this point, I seriously doubted I would survive 4 years of the English Comp degree. I doubted my writing abilities, and really doubted I would be able to get a job down the line after graduation.

 I switched majors to Psychology. I LOVED the classes and the work really didn’t seem like work. I had always wanted to help people, and this could be a way.

Next, I went to that same school paper, and started submitting my own work to it. Poems mostly–short pieces–that was where I was at. They loved them and published ALL of them. Those of us who submitted, would anxiously await when the paper went to print each week. I was writing…my way.

To this day I still have some of those papers in a box.

 It was important to me to keep that part of myself alive in some way.

As I headed away from the dream of writing, and in to my life, I would think about writing often. Should I go back to school? How could I learn to write a book? In the life of raising a family and working full time I could not see that coming to fruition.

Occasionally I would write. A blog or two for my gym, creative pieces here and there. It wasn’t really enough.

I still couldn’t see the how.

Those little voices–our intuition –and the signs that pop up may be dismissed for many reasons. I believe when we are ready to receive them, they can show us the HOW.

About 8 months ago I began searching around online about writing. I stumbled in to some amazing websites that provided classes on many types of writing. Some would even take you on part time, and try you out as a freelance writer. This was news to me! WOW!

For years I had envisioned driving to a campus, or paying thousands of dollars to take online classes. Each year I had signed up for a writers’ workshop, I couldn’t attend for one reason or the other.

And so I began…taking the online classes, free webinars, anything I could get my hands on. I started to submit blogs, creative pieces, copywriting and more. I was writing and building up my samples and confidence.

My writing requests began to fill up. I was pinching myself! I had found a way to learn and “do” at the same time. This is an ongoing growth process. I have just begun.

Sometimes, it just may take looking at things differently when we are in pursuit of our goals and dreams. Talking to people, researching and uncovering solutions.

[tweetshare tweet="You can change your life, must faster than you know with a little exploration and curiosity."]

What if you CAN?

What if you didn’t fail?

What doors could open?

What if you try the thing that even YOU thought you couldn’t do?

What is the worst that could happen?

Timing in life may play a part in the discovery of our true paths.

We must be ready to receive.

In my own example, my chapters of raising a family, working in mental health, building businesses and helping others all played key parts in the stories I draw from those experiences.

All of those interactions and observations sharpened my writing skills without my awareness.

Writers are like giant sponges soaking up the colors of the world as we go. When it’s time, we release all of those beautiful colors out in a unique way…as we paint our stories for the reader.

Now it’s YOUR turn to think of your passions, your creativity, and listen to the things that tick in the back of your head.

What are those “someday” I am going to’s or I “wish” I could _______.

1. Choose One Goal and Write It Out!

Goals that resonate will give you that rollercoaster feeling in the belly. That’s a good thing. Post it somewhere where you can see it daily.

2. Be a Detective

Ask a lot of questions. Do your research. Who do you know of that may have accomplished something you aspire to do? How did they begin? Make an “ask” of yourself!

3. Bite Size is Better

What is the first baby step that you need to take? Can you break it down into smaller attainable, bite sized pieces?

4. Find Your When

Decide with a timeline of WHEN you want to achieve the first part of your goal, and write it under the first steps of your goal.

5. Accountability is Key

Choose an accountability partner. Whether your goal is to gain a new skill, get more education, create something, move, change jobs, lose weight….you will have the best success when you have someone to check in with. Choose someone who won’t go ‘easy’ on you and will give some tough love. Set up the guidelines ahead of time.

6. Stick to It

Keep your goal in front of you daily so you don’t lose sight of it. Be a bit relentless, it will pay off! Track your success and share it! Once you accomplish the first piece, move on to the second baby step. Re-evaluate and adjust as needed.

7. Be Courageous

There will be set backs, rejections, and naysayers. Expect them and welcome them, and give them no power. Keep going.

Every step you take in your personal development counts, and you are worth it. With daily focus, you can move perceived obstacles out of the way, and allow more room for new goals to set up camp and stay. Creating a framework and discipline for your dreams is the key. Now go…you’ve got work to do!

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