I Spent 4 Years in Social Isolation. This is What I Learned.

[tweetshare tweet="As introverts, it is our sincerest hope that you can feel the fierceness of our love through time and space and very far distance."]

The world has been catapulted into chaos because of the Corona Virus (Covid 19) and with social isolation and social distancing as the new norm, some folks may be experiencing one of the hardest challenges their lives have ever known.

And then there are the introverts. People like me have been training their whole lives for a moment like this.

Now, there are varying degrees of introversion and we all operate differently, but we admittedly  share some commonalities across the board. Some of us are not that fun at parties, but we make the incredible casserole and chocolate cake that all the party goers rave about . We hide in the back of the chorus line or help people with costumes backstage, but we sing like angels in the shower and will probably leave you in your glee when we suddenly burst out into a full rendition of Hamilton.  We won’t comment on your selfie, but we will “love it” with a simple click emoji and love you fiercely with all our hearts.  Still, we probably won’t call to tell you any of that. We won’t call because we are super busy, by ourselves reading something important.  Or writing something important. Or watching something important.  Or thinking about something important. Or staring into space in a very important fashion. As introverts, It is our sincerest hope that you can feel the fierceness of our love through time and space and very far distance.

Introverts are people too. We just don't like talking to other people. The glare from conversation hurts our eyes.

Despite popular belief, many introverts have very healthy social lives. There’s just less of it than a self proclaimed extrovert. So being an introvert does not automatically  prepare you for a complete loss of human contact unless he or she is oriented toward reclusive behavior. Honestly, I don’t believe that there is a secret formula for coping with isolation as isolation is not the same as Introversion.  But it is common knowledge in various introvert circles that depending on how much we have invested in our introversion, that social isolation and social distancing are just alternative words for “daily schedule.”

As I thought about this, I realized that many people would be desperately counting down the days for when they will be set free from their Corona inflicted social isolation. Which made me ask the question, what happens if social distancing spans more than a few months? How will people cope?

It occurred to me that if anyone had something useful to say about social distancing, it would be me. I spent 4 years in social isolation due to a health crisis, living in a very small 2 bedroom condo with a family of 5. And what I want to say most is that while there can be severe pitfalls to complete prolonged social isolation, if  it is approached responsibly,  it does not have to be a prison.  In fact, social distancing can be a thoroughly empowering experience that connects you with vast amounts of inner wisdom, strength and greater self-knowledge. To get my take, play the video.


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After four years of complete social isolation, I returned from Siberia realizing that being alone is not all its cracked up to be. Hear my story and learn the importance of social connection.

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