Conquer Discouragement and get your Goals Back on Track

By: Preston Cox

So, you’ve set an ambitious goal for yourself. You want to lose 20 lbs. You want to publish that book. You want to start that new business. You’ve laid it all out, dreamed big dreams, but you’re getting tired and bored.

You’re not alone. Lots of ambitious dreamers, just like yourself, have set off to accomplish a lofty goal but quickly realized this sprint is actually an ultra-marathon.

Here are a few ideas on how you can re-energize yourself and get back on track to pursue your goals


1.  Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

Accomplishing big goals is often hard work. You’re probably going to fail at something. You’re likely going to miss a deadline. You may fall short of a benchmark you’ve set. It’s OK. You’re a human being, and not one of us has ever done anything perfectly.

In the movie, Martian Child, the main character explains to his adopted son the concept of a batting average in baseball. He says, “You know what I love about baseball? Baseball is the only sport where you can fail 70 percent of the time and still be great […] If you get a hit three out of every ten times you’re at-bat, you’re really good. If you do a little bit better than that, maybe 3.2, 3.3 times, you’re great and you could be a star.”

As you are trying to accomplish your goals be kind to yourself, and grant yourself a little grace. Work hard and be diligent, but know that it’s also OK to fail and try again.

You may not hit a homer every time you walk up to the plate, but you might get on base. Your goal will move forward just a little, and that is something to be proud of.

2 . “Treat Yo’ Self”


One of the quickest ways to burn out on a project or goal is to not reward yourself for a job well done. There is nothing wrong with being a “grinder,” and certainly there are seasons where that mentality is necessary, but you also need rest and joy to accomplish your goals.

When you do hit those benchmarks, find ways to celebrate your accomplishment, even in small ways. Build a special playlist on Spotify and throw yourself a little dance party when you meet that deadline. Watch an episode of your favorite show after hitting that word count. Schedule a little weekend getaway after a busy season of work.

Living in Austin, one of my favorite ways to celebrate a major milestone or accomplishment is visiting my favorite, vegan taco truck. Just recently, I received the very first copy of my first book. After several months of work and waiting, I stood in my kitchen and held the finished product in my hands. I could have just put in on the shelf, pat myself on the back, and got to work on the next thing, but this was a moment I had been waiting for. It was a moment that could only be celebrated with good tacos.

tly as planned. Rather, be kind to yourself, celebrate more, and have some fun!  

[tweetshare tweet="Find ways to celebrate your little wins. Doing so will help you keep your goal moving forward. --Preston Cox"]

3.  Gamify Your Goals

 A final tip is to gamify your goal setting. Everything is more fun with a little good-hearted competition. For instance, if you are pursuing a more active lifestyle you might join a group of friends in a step challenge. Apps such as Fitbit allow you to earn special badges and rewards as you accomplish certain exercise goals. Other apps, like Habitica, use goal-setting to power characters in a vintage, 8-bit style video game where tracking your personal habits allows you to level characters to battle with other characters.

Remember, goal setting doesn’t have to a bore. You are chasing dreams. You are accomplishing things in your life. Don’t get overwhelmed when things don’t go exactly as planned. Rather, be kind to yourself, celebrate more, and have some fun!  

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